Suzaku is an ASN/AP/Dash hero in Extraordinary Ones, the innovative anime 5v5 MOBA game made by NetEase Games.
Simple Introduction
Name: Suzaku.
Race: Message deleted.
Height: 169cm.
Weight: ???
Birthday: Message deleted.
ID: A product of Watchtower’s “Temp”.
Emotionally damaged. When her mood fluctuates, will awaken the power to control fire. Desire and jealousy incarnate.
Possesses a unique acoustic ability, so that when speaking within certain distance, it feels like a whisper in one’s ear.
Hero Skills
[0] Baseless Flame When Suzaku’s skills hit an enemy Hero or jungle mob 4 times, or when Suzaku kills a Hero or jungle mob, a Baseless Flame will appear. Baseless Flames also have a 20% chance to a ppear when killing minions. Suzaku can absorb Baseless Flames to trigger the following effects (the skill must be learned): Immediately summon 2 Phoenixes; Makes Suzaku’s next movement of the joystick a dash equal to the 2nd skill Fiery Thorns.; Lowers CD of the ultimate Bursting Feather by 2s. |
[1] Bird bathed in flame Passive: Creates a Phoenix nearby every 8s, up to 5. Phoenixes will auto-attack nearby enemies. Active: Immediately create up to 5 Phoenixes. |
[2] Fiery Thorns Dashes and damages. |
[3] Bursting Feather Damages and slows in targeted area. |