Ark Pass Level Rewards
Ark Level | Achievement Reward (Free) | Premium Reward (1500 Royal Crystals) | Super Premium Reward (3000 Royal Crystals) |
Lv.1 | Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin x10
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.2 | Sailing Coin Selection Chest x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.3 | Ascendant Ship Parts Chest x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 | |
Lv.4 | Ascendant Ship Parts Chest II x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 | |
Lv.5 | Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone II) x1 | Wallpaper: Noble Banquet |
Lv.6 | Sailing Coin Selection Chest x3
Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 |
Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 | |
Lv.7 | Basic Timber x180
Ascendant Gem Selection Chest x5 |
Ascendant Gem Selection Chest x5 | |
Lv.8 | Uncommon Timber x180
Fusion Material Selection Chest x1 |
Fusion Material Selection Chest x1 | |
Lv.9 | Ascendant Ship Blueprint Selection Chest x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Support) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Support) x1 | |
Lv.10 | Soul Vanguard Selection Chest x1 | Legendary Rapport Selection Chest x2 | Legendary Rapport Selection Chest x2 |
Lv.11 | Ascendant Ship Parts Chest x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.12 | Ascendant Ship Parts Chest II x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.13 | Ascendant Ship Parts Chest III x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 | |
Lv.14 | Ascendant Ship Blueprint Selection Chest x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 | |
Lv.15 | Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone II) x1 | Noble Banquet Headwear Selection Chest x1 |
Lv.16 | Basic Life Energy Potion x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.17 | Ascendant Dispatch Seal Selection Chest x1
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.18 | Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 | |
Lv.19 | Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest x3
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 | |
Lv.20 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Support) x1 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone II) x1 | Noble Banquet Chestpiece Selection Chest x1 |
Lv.21 | Epic Rapport Selection Chest x10
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Destruction Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.22 | Legendary Rapport Selection Chest x2
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Guardian Stone I) x1 | |
Lv.23 | Epic Rapport Selection Chest x10
Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Shard) x3 | |
Lv.24 | Legendary Rapport Selection Chest x2
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Leapstone I) x3 | |
Lv.25 | Ascendant Honing Chest (Super) x1 | Ascendant Gem Selection Chest x1 | Noble Banquet Pants Selection Chest x1 |
Lv.26 | Any Card Pack x5
Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 |
Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x5 | |
Lv.27 | Any Card Pack x5
Ascendant Gem Selection Chest x5 |
Ascendant Gem Selection Chest x5 | |
Lv.28 | Eternity Essence x3
Fusion Material Selection Chest x1 |
Fusion Material Selection Chest x1 | |
Lv.29 | Pheon x25
Ascendant Honing Chest (Support) x1 |
Ascendant Honing Chest (Support) x1 | |
Lv.30 | Legendary Card Pack x1 | Vertus Pet Selection Chest x1 | Noble Banquet Weapon Selection Chest x1 |
Complete Ark Pass missions to raise the Ark level.
Normal Mission
Normal missions can be completed repeatedly until the Weekly XP Gained for each character.
Weekly XP Gained is reset every week during maintenance. Weekly XP Gained increases the further the season progresses.
Normal Mission | Ark XP |
Complete Daily Una’s Task 3 times | Ark XP +30 |
Clear 2 Chaos Dungeons (Use Aura of Resonance) | Ark XP +30 |
Clear 2 Guardian Raids (Soul Harvest) | Ark XP +30 |
Clear 2 Abyssal Dungeons | Ark XP +50 |
Do a Proving Grounds Team Deathmatch 3 times | Ark XP +30 |
Do a Proving Grounds Team Elimination Match 3 times | Ark XP +30 |
Obtain Chaos Gate rewards Lv.1 | Ark XP +50 |
Season Mission
You can complete the season mission only once per season.
Season Mission | Ark XP |
Play Instrument 20 times | Ark XP +50 |
Exchange Una’s Token 1,200 times | Ark XP +100 |
Use the Bifrost/Ocean Liner 20 times | Ark XP +50 |
Use Flare 20 times | Ark XP +50 |
Repair Gear 20 times | Ark XP +50 |
Repair Ship 5 times | Ark XP +50 |
Take 2 screenshots in selfie mode | Ark XP +50 |
Do a Counterattack 10 times | Ark XP +100 |
Do a Frontal Attack 30 times | Ark XP +30 |
Do a Back Attack 30 times | Ark XP +30 |
Use Recovery Battle Item 20 times | Ark XP +50 |
Hone your gear 20 times | Ark XP +300 |
Fuse Gems 30 times | Ark XP +100 |
Try to Transfer Skill Tree 20 times | Ark XP +100 |
Dispatch Stronghold 20 times | Ark XP +100 |
Spend Life Energy Lv.1 4,000 times | Ark XP +20 |
Enter a Secret Dungeon Lv.1 3 times | Ark XP +10 |
Obtain Ghost Ship rewards Lv.1 2 times | Ark XP +50 |
Collect Adventure Island rewards 3 times | Ark XP +40 |
Obtain Field Boss rewards Lv.1 3 times | Ark XP +50 |
Purchase Ark XP
You can purchase 100 Ark XP (50 Crystals for each) 3 times per week. Purchased experience points are not included in weekly experience points.