Guilds ranked 1st to 3rd by points accumulated during the Scramble period will receive rewards and buff, depending on the rank achieved.
Choose one of the regions available for Region Scramble to participate. Guilds ranked 1st to 3rd by points accumulated during the Scramble period will receive rewards and buff, depending on the rank achieved.
Each region has different goals (Hunting, Mining, Fishing, Delivery, PvP). Discuss with your guild on which region you wish to participate in.
Screen Description
While in a guild, go to Guild -> Guild Content -> Scramble.
[1] List of regions available for Region Scramble.
[2] Within the region info [3] is the Scramble details (Scrollable).
- Occupying guild and results details
- Scramble process details
- Acquired Scramble Points per play method
- Occupying guild rewards and buff details
[3] Available number of Scramble participation, Request Status button, Scramble request button (shows progress after request), join (channel) button.
Region Scramble is available from Guild Level 7 and above.
Scramble Request Period
Every Monday 00:00–Saturday 23:59 (6 Days).
Scramble Period
Every Sunday 21:30–22:30 (1 hour).
Scramble Reward Distribution Period
Region Scramble rewards distributed every Monday 00:00.
Siege Buff Period
Monday 00:00–Sunday 23:59 (buff lasts 1 week).
Participation Requirements and Method
Region Scramble participation request can be made by Guild Leaders of Guilds at level 7 and above.
Choose a region and press the Request Scramble button during the Scramble request period.
Choose the region from the list in the Region Scramble menu.
Press the Request Scramble button of the selected region.
Check the request cost (Guild Coin) in the pop-up UI and press Confirm to complete the request.
The available participation count will decrease to 0/1 when you request for Region Scramble.
Request can be canceled by pressing the Cancel Request button.
Note that your request cost will be refunded with a 10% cancelation fee (Guild Coin).
Participation Cost
A certain amount of Guild Coin is required to participate in Scramble.
Scramble Channel
Details of Scramble Channels during the Scramble Period.
Only points earned during the Scramble period on Scramble channels will be applied.
Entering a Scramble channel will display the Scramble mark and “CompeteZone” channel.
Scramble channels have a limit to the number of people per Guild who can enter a channel.
You will be placed in a channel with fewer number of players when entering a Scramble channel (Scramble channels have a min/max limit on the number of players per channel).
Channel members will be shuffled at certain intervals (this channel shuffle occurs every 5 minutes and will be broadcast via system message).
Scramble Channel Entry Requirements:
Players who joined the guild before the start of Scramble.
Entrance is limited 5 minutes prior to the end of Scramble.
How to Enter Scramble Channels:
Enter via the popup that appears when Scramble starts.
Guild -> Guild Content -> Scramble -> Join.
Minimap of the region selected for Scramble -> Press the Join button in the Scramble Progress tab.
Moving between channels may be limited due to channel population, maximum guild number per channel, and Scramble participation conditions even when you summon party members or teleport to avenge PK.
How to Leave Scramble Channels:
You cannot manually leave a Scramble channel once you enter a region during Scramble. However, if you are summoned in a party with a player who’s not participating in Scramble, you will be sent to a normal channel.
Entrance is limited 5 minutes prior to the end of Scramble and you will be automatically booted once Scramble is over.
You will be automatically sent to your Guild Hideout if you are idle for a certain period of time during Scramble.
Conditions of being considered idle: Staying dead or not moving for a certain amount of time.
Conditions of not being considered idle: Auto Counterattack/Combat or Manual Combat.
Scramble Rules
Players who joined the guild before the end of the Scramble Request Period will be eligible to participate.
Players who join the guild during Scramble will not have their points added nor have any rewards distributed.
Players who leave their guild during Scramble will also not have their points added nor have any rewards distributed.
The 2 Competition Modes of Region Scramble
There are 2 types of competition modes in Scramble which have different points allocated depending on the actions required.
Combat Competition
Mode where you earn Scramble points by defeating monsters or enemy guild members.
Example: Northern Timberlands, Tamlin.
Collecting Competition
Mode where you earn Scramble points by delivering specific items to NPCs or by performing Mining, Gathering, Logging, and Fishing.
Example: Dead Warrior’s Cave.
Region Scramble Delivery
You can earn points via Delivery at the Dead Warrior’s Cave and the Tomb of Short Legs.
Only items collected in the Scramble region is eligible for Delivery (Delivery items will be deleted after the end of Scramble).
Transparent status will be removed when you hold Delivery items at the Tomb of Short Legs (Delivery items weigh between 100–1,000).
Delivery items need to be delivered to the designated NPCs of the regions (Colton for Dead Warrior’s Cave, Roxanne for Tomb of Short Legs).
Region Scramble PK (excluding Dead Warrior’s Cave)
You are automatically hostile towards enemy guild members during Scramble.
XP and Fame does not decrease by PK between players who are in Scramble.
Even when you toggle off the option to attack other players in Settings, you will attack enemy players if you use Auto Combat during Scramble.
Cannot form a party with enemy guild members.
“Taken Points” and “Protection Time” applied to Scramble PK.
Scramble PK Rules
10 Butterflies is consumed when using the “Avenge” feature to an enemy guild member during a Scramble.
You cannot earn or lose points by PK at the Dead Warrior’s Cave.
Points are not deducted by PK before you have reached 10,000 Guild Scramble Points.
The maximum number of Taken Points you can gain by defeating an enemy cannot exceed the 50% of the defeated player’s Acquired Points.
Friend/Foe Identification in Region Scramble: A scramble mark is displayed above the character so that players can easily distinguish between allies and enemies in the Scramble Channel.
Region Scramble Buff Statue: Buff Statue is randomly activated at one of the designated locations at a certain period of time. All guild members in the channel will receive the buff when the interaction has been completed.
The statue is activated every 5 minutes after the Scramble starts.
You can check when the statue is activated through notification messages or the minimap.
When more than one player interact with the activated statue simultaneously, only the player who has completed the interaction first and his/her gulid members in the channel will receive the buff for a certain period of time.
When the player is attacked by a monster or another player while interacting with the statue, the interaction will be cancelled.
One of the 5 buffs available in each region is applied at random.
Region Scramble Field Raid Boss (Northern Timberlands)
The Scramble Field Raid Boss Tiras spawns in the Northern Timberlands Scramble Channel.
Tiras, the Field Raid Boss
The Tiras that spawns in the Scramble Channel does not share its spawn time with the Tiras of a normal channel (applied separately).
The Field Raid Boss Tiras spawns in the Scramble Channel 5 minutes after the Northern Timberlands Scramble starts.
The Tiras that spawns 5 minutes after the Scramble starts will run away and disappear after 10 minutes.
The Tiras in the Scramble Channel respawns 40 minutes after the first spawn time.
Guilds ranked 1st to 3rd by Scramble Points in Region Scramble
Guilds ranked 1st to 3rd by points in Guild Scramble per region will receive siege rewards and buff, based on the rank achieved, after the Region Scramble period ends.
Participation rewards will be given to the other participating guilds who have achieved at least 10,000P (Guild) in Scramble Points.
Scramble Points and Buff
You can purchase the Acquired Scramble Points +200% buff at the Guild Shop.
You can spend 150 Insignias to purchase additional Acquired Scramble Points buff that lasts for 3 hours.
Scramble Rewards
Rewards for guild ranked 1st to 3rd
Recipients: Guild Leaders of guilds ranked 1st to 3rd in Scramble per region
Distribution Method: Rewards will be sent to the Guild Leader via mail based on the guild rank
Rewards will be transferred to the Guild Warehouse when claimed (Guild Coins, Insignia Bundles, Soulstone Fragments)
The Guild Leader can award the guild members with the rewards that have been transferred to the Guild Warehouse using the Award System
Starting from the moment the Guild Leader receives the mail, the award period of 7 days starts to apply (awardable rewards)
Scramble Participating Guild Rewards
Recipients: Members of the guild that has acquired 10,000 or more points during a Scramble (except for guilds ranked 1st to 3rd)
Distribution Method: Sent individually via mail.
Rewards will be transferred to each player’s bag when claimed (Insignia)
Siege Buff
Recipients: Guilds ranked 1st to 3rd in Scramble per region.
Distribution Method: Siege Buff automatically applied for a week starting from Monday at midnight, per region.
Siege Rewards and Siege Buff per region
An Insignia Bundle cotains 500 Insignias (you will get 500 Insignias when using 1 Insignia Bundle).
The guild won’t have any participation rewards distributed if its Scramble Points is less than 10,000P.
Any applied Siege Buff will disappear if you leave the Siege Guild after the Scramble ends.
Any Occupied Regions and Siege Buff will disappear if you disband the Siege Guild after the Scramble ends.
Players who join or leave the guild during Scramble will not have their points added nor have any rewards distributed.
Award System
You can award the guild members with the Scramble Rewards that are stored in the Guild Warehouse yourself.
Who can award: When the Guild Leader receives the Scramble Rewards via mail, they will be stored in the Guild Warehouse. Awardable items can be awarded within 7 days.
Who can be awarded: Guild members who joined the guild before the number of awards had been reset.
Awardable Items: Insignia Bundles as Scramble rewards (up to 5 bundles per time).
Number of Awards Allowed: Limited to 10 times per guild member (resets every Monday at midnight).
Award Method: Guild -> Manage Guild -> Award Tab -> Award Guild Member Button -> Select Item and Number of Items -> Process Award.
You can collect the awarded items via mail.
A guild member who joined the guild after the number of awards had been reset can receive the awarded items after the next reset time.