The MARVEL Super War August 6th 2020 Update sees new tank hero Colossus and his Ultimate skin arrives.
Free Hero Rotation Update
This week’s free hero rotation has been updated!
On August 6, 2020 (Thursday) at 5:00 AM. The new roster of heroes that are free to use in 5v5 battles are: Ancient One, Captain America, Corvus Glaive, Gambit, Lady Sif, Mantis, Mysterio, Rocket Raccoon, Scarlet Witch, and Storm. Go forth into battle, Watcher!
New Watchers (characters below Lv. 10) are able to use heroes of beginner and easy difficulty from the weekly free roster, and heroes from the free roster for new players.
New Hero Colossus
Colossus is a tank hero who specializes in crowd control. His special metallic body allows him to resist damage and deal powerful strikes against his enemies.
Natural Passive: Organic Steel Body
Passive: Colossus’ special physique grants him damage reduction 3 times.
This ability grants him slow immunity while in effect. This effect will recover full stacks after exiting combat.
Ability 1: Double Power Punch
Colossus pushes enemies within a specified range into the middle and deals damage. If there are multiple enemies within range when he strikes, he will also knock down enemies heroes in range.
Ability 2: Metal Charge Tackle
Colossus punches in the direction of the specified target, dealing damage and slowing them.
If this ability deals damage to heroes, Colossus will gain an Acceleration effect. He can use this ability again within a certain period of time to charge at the specified enemy, dealing damage and knocking them down.
Ultimate: Osmium Elbow Drop
When a nearby hero is knocked down, Colossus can cast this ability to deal damage and inflict a Break effect. He also deals damage to enemies near the target.
All Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) data has been collected. He will be joining you all in battle this week, and his Ultimate skin will be added to the Shop.
From today until 11:59:59 PM on August 12th, all Watchers can purchase the Colossus Data Pack, as well as recruit this hero and unlock his skins! There’s even a 20% off discount on this pack in its first week!
Hero Adjustments
When Mysterio casts Deadly Orbit, he gains a powerful shield and can use Perilous Fog to deal multiple hard-to-dodge attacks. For this reason, we have weakened Deadly Orbit’s defense stats and passive non-fatal damage while maintaining Perilous Fog’s core damage capability to clarify the purpose of this ability and make it easier for his opponents to confront him.
Passive Ability
Perilous Fog’s damage bonus has been decreased from (22%*energy attack) to (12%*energy attack).
Ability 2
Deadly Orbit’s damage has been decreased from (140/210/280/350/420+55%*energy attack) to (120/190/260/320/380+40%*energy attack).
Shield value has been decreased from (200/300/400/500/600+120%*energy attack) to (80/110/140/170/200+80%*energy attack).
Hela has a significant speed burst after casting Nightsword, and she has extremely high initiative during early game battles. Additionally, Hela’s ability to quickly clear the jungle gives her a huge advantage in the early game. Thus, we have weakened Hela’s jungling efficiency and acceleration to reduce her early game capabilities in battle.
Ability 1
Nightsword no longer deals extra damage to monsters.
Nightsword’s acceleration strength has been decreased from 40%/45%/50%/55%/60% to 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%.
Base damage has been decreased from 80/115/150/185/220 to 80/110/140/170/200.
Ability 2
Spirit Drain no longer inflicts a slow effect by accident and cannot be cast while moving.
Sandman’s capabilities in the laning stage exceed the average capabilities of tank heroes, so we have slightly reduced his Ability 1 damage and passive recovery value in the early game to weaken his laning ability.
Ability 1
Sand Hammer’s Stage 1 damage has been decreased from (20/65/110/155/200+100%*physical attack+4%*enemy’s max HP) to (20/55/90/125/160+90%*physical attack+4%*enemy’s max HP).
Sand Hammer’s Stage 2 damage has been decreased from (20/65/110/155/200+120%*physical attack+5%*enemy’s max HP) to (20/55/90/125/160+120%*physical attack+4%*enemy’s max HP).
We hope that, as an energy hero, Iceman can benefit more from his energy attacks. Therefore, we have adjusted Iceman’s base damage and energy attack enhancement to boost his damage output. We have also optimized the activation logic of Freeze to increase the difficulty of causing continuous freezing and enhancing the effects of a single Freeze.
Passive Ability
Dealing damage to frozen enemies will no longer stack Freeze.
Freeze duration has been adjusted from 1 second at all levels to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 second(s). (Effect changes at Lv. 1/6/11/16).
Passive damage bonus has been increased from (30%*energy attack) to (50%*energy attack).
Ability 1
Bone Chill’s damage has been adjusted from (55/90/125/160/195/230/265+25%*energy attack) to (55/85/115/145/175/205/235+32%*energy attack).
Ability 2
Frostcoming’s Stage 2 energy attack bonus has been increased from (50%*energy attack) to (75%*energy attack).
Cull Obsidian
Cull Obsidian’s Ability 2, which is his primary damage ability, has an excessively low hit rate, thus limiting his performance. Therefore, we have shortened Ability 2’s delay to increase its hit rate.
Ability 2
Furious Trample’s Stage 1 delay has been reduced from 1.25 seconds to 1 second.
Furious Trample’s Stage 2 damage bonus has been decreased from (8%/8.5%/9%/9.5%/10%*enemy’s max HP) to (6%/6.5%/7%/7.5%/8%*enemy’s max HP).
Latest Events
Street Battle
Event Duration: After maintenance on August 6, 2020 to August 19, 2020
All Watchers can claim rewards by completing daily quests during the event! Log in for a total of 7 days to claim the Street Sports avatar!
Total Recharge Bonus
Event Duration: After maintenance on August 6, 2020 to August 19, 2020
When your total recharge amount reaches the specified amount, you’ll obtain Skin Shards, Crystals, Brilliant Caskets, and other fantastic rewards!
Adjustments and Optimizations
Optimized the artwork of some icons in the game.
Adjusted the launch-up effect of Proxima Midnight’s Ability 2: Terror’s Shadow to knock-down.
Edited the tactic text descriptions for Accelerate and Dispel to match the actual effects.