Equipment Specialization
Equipment can be specialized by pressing the “Equipment Specialization” button in the menu.
The unique ability of an equip location can be enchanted by using equipment with matching equip location as material.
Unlike Equipment Modification, unique abilities enchanted through Specialization is kept even if the equipment is switched.
A different unique ability is enchanted for each location, and the more pieces of high-grade equipment submitted, the greater the degree of enchantment.
There is no separate rate of failure for Equipment Specialization, but the required quantity and grade of equipment increases as the level gets higher.
Equipment can be selected individually by tapping the desired piece of equipment, but equipment of certain grades can be batch-selected.
Check the box of the desired equipment grade then proceed with “Auto-Select” to only select equipment of the corresponding grade.
Undo the check boxes of hard-to-acquire “Heroic/ Legendary/ Enchanted Equipment” to prevent them from being accidentally used as material.
Try permanently enhancing your character’s unique abilities by using only unused equipment!