Design Concept: Hayate Demon Vanquisher & Natalya Feretto Mistress

Design Concept: Hayate Demon Vanquisher & Natalya Feretto Mistress

Take a behind the scenes look at how Tencent Games created newest skins Hayate Demon Vanquisher and Natalya Feretto Mistress.

Skill Effect

People living near The Snow Mountain are often attacked by spells, so the city owner commissioned Demon Hunter Family to investigate.

As the eldest son, Hayate is duty-bound…

Snow Mistress is a creature born from the snow and can control the snow. The rapid development of mankind has affected the creatures on The Snow Mountain. One day, innocent Natalya was mercilessly attacked by human beings, she can no longer tolerate human atrocities. She left The Snow Mountain with her silver ermine and came to the human city to revenge!

Hayate Demon Vanquisher Skill Effect

Natalya Feretto Mistress Skill Effect

Hayate Demon Vanquisher

As the eldest son of the Demon Hunter Family, Hayate’s appearance is extraordinary. In order to correspond to the family emblem, the overall design also integrated into the elements of the wings.

Hayate Demon Vanquisher Design Concept 1

Hayate Demon Vanquisher Design Concept 2

Hayate Demon Vanquisher Design Concept 3

Hayate Demon Vanquisher Design Concept 4

Hayate Demon Vanquisher

Natalya Feretto Mistress

Natalya, a creature living on the Snow Mountain, is designed with the Snow Mistress as the image. The silver ermine beside her is also lovely.

Natalya Feretto Mistress Design Concept 1

Natalya Feretto Mistress Design Concept 2

Natalya Feretto Mistress Design Concept 3

Natalya Feretto Mistress Design Concept 4

Natalya Feretto Mistress

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