Xeniel’s Codex Chapter 8 Level Rewards

Here are details for the Arena of Valor Xeniel’s Codex Chapter 8 Level Rewards. The Xeniel’s Codex Chapter 8 ends on 09/03/2019.
Level | ELITE | FREE |
1 | Brunhilda | 50 Arcana Fragments |
2 | 200 Gold | |
3 | Chapter IX Tribute Card | |
100 Gold | ||
4 | 30 Vouchers | |
5 | Magic Crystal | Brunhilda Trial Card |
6 | Qi Chest | |
7 | Nakroth Evo Crystal | |
8 | Evo Crystal Butterfly | |
9 | Magic Crystal | |
10 | Hero Selection Chest | Gem Pack |
11 | Brunhilda: Legend of the West Trial Card | |
12 | 30 Vouchers | |
13 | Dreadwyrm Token | 50 Arcana Fragments |
14 | Qi Chest | |
15 | Pet Avatar Frame | |
16 | 30 Vouchers | |
17 | Exclusive Skin Token Chest | |
18 | Nakroth Evo Crystal | |
19 | Evo Crystal Butterfly | |
20 | Arcade Speed Up 30 Days Trial | Sonika |
21 | 30 Vouchers | |
22 | 50 Arcana Fragments | |
23 | Hero Tokens | Dreadwyrm Token |
Skin Tokens | ||
24 | Magic Crystal | |
25 | Brunhilda: Legend of the West Trial Card | 50 Arcana Fragments |
26 | 30 Vouchers | |
27 | 2 Evo Crystal Chest | Evo Crystal Butterfly |
28 | 2 Hero Tokens | |
29 | Double Gold Card: 1 Day | |
30 | Brunhilda: Legend of the West | Brunhilda Trial Card |
31 | 30 Vouchers | |
32 | Exclusive Skin Token Chest | |
33 | Nakroth Evo Crystal | |
34 | Evo Crystal Butterfly | |
35 | Brunhilda Western Avatar | Hero Token Chest |
36 | Qi Chest | |
37 | 50 Arcana Fragments | |
38 | Hero Tokens | |
Skin Tokens | ||
39 | 30 Vouchers | |
40 | Skin Selection Chest | Brunhilda |
41 | Hero Token Chest | |
42 | 2 Evo Crystal Chest | |
43 | 30 Vouchers | |
44 | Double Gold Card: 1 Day | |
45 | Arcana Kill 30 Days Trial | |
46 | 30 Vouchers | |
47 | Exclusive Skin Token Chest | |
48 | Nakroth Evo Crystal | |
49 | Evo Crystal Butterfly | |
50 | Turqoise Avatar | |
51 | 30 Vouchers | |
52 | 1000 Arcana Fragments | |
53 | Hero Tokens | |
Skin Tokens | ||
54 | 30 Vouchers | |
55 | Arcade Recall 30 Days Trial | |
56 | Qi Chest | |
57 | 2 Evo Crystal Chest | |
58 | Qi Chest | |
59 | Double Gold Card: 1 Day | |
60 | Airi: Summer Bash |
Complete quests from the Codex to earn Tribute, level up the Codex and collect more rewards.
Enabling the Codex
An unopened Codex only grants basic rewards. Open the Codex to get more exclusive rewards.
Level up the Codex and collect a reward at every level.
Daily Quest
The Codex has a new quest every day that expires after 3 days. Tap Refresh to get new quest (expiration date remains the same).
Challenge Quest
Challenge Quest are more difficult, thus more time is allowed. 7 Challenge Quests are available each week, and older quests will remain active. These are also 3 special quests that give better rewards for those that have opened the Codex.
Weekly Chest
Those who complete 10 or more quests will earn an extra chest and earn more Tribute. Uncollected chests will not be available after they expire
Quests can not be completed in bot matches.
Arcade Mode includes: Valley Skirmish (3v3), Solo Battle (1v1), Hook Wars, Abyssal Clash, Death Match and Football Fever (but no assists and kills are recorded in Football Fever).
Some quests require specific classes. These can be completed as long as on of the hero’s role matches the requirement.
Quest that require “player’s team” can be completed by a player, a player’s team or minions.