Team Korea’s Rise to Victory

The GCS Spring 2020 is the 6th GCS (Garena Challenger Series) season hosted by Garena Taiwan for Arena of Valor professional teams in Taiwan.
The RoV Pro League Season 2 is professional Arena of Valor league hosted by Garena Thailand for Arena of Valor professional teams in Thailand. Eight teams will compete in a round robin group stage.
In summary, Global Ban Pick is a rule that the same hero cannot be played more than once in a game within the same team. Heroes that were used by the team in the previous match are automatically banned in their remaining matches during the same game.
In response to the ongoing challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic, Tencent Games has announced that the AWC 2020 is canceled.
The RoV Pro League Summer 2020 is the 5thth RoV Pro League season hosted by Garena Thailand for Arena of Valor professional teams in Thailand.
The Arena of Glory Series B Winter 2019 is the second Arena of Glory Series B season hosted by Garena Vietnam for Arena of Valor semi professional teams in Vietnam.