June Update: Balance Changes

Find out which heroes are getting buffed and nerfed in the Arena of Valor June Update. Which nerf or buff are you most excited about?
Hell Bat
– Magic damage rescaled from 520/585/650/715/780/845 (+1.22AP) —> 575/625/675/725/775/825 (+1.15AP)
– Cooldown reduced from 8.5/8.2/7.9/7.6/7.3/7 seconds —> 8/7.7/7.4/7.1/6.8/6.5 seconds
Leap of the Fox
– Stun time reduced from 1 seconds —> 0.75 seconds
Human Form
– Magic damage reduced from 300/450/600 (+0.7AP) —> 250/375/500 (+0.55AP)
– Enemy movement speed reduction reduced from 50% —> 30%
Fox Form
– Magic damage reduced from 300/450/600 (+0.7AP) —> 250/375/500 (+0.55AP)
– Enemy movement speed reduction reduced from 50% —> 30%
– Immediately reveals the position of all enemy heroes
– Cooldown increased from 60/50/40 seconds —> 70/60/50 seconds
Powerful Hymns
– Magic damage dealt by piercing enemies increased from 40(+1.0AD)(+0.4AP) –> 50 (+1.0AD)(0.4AP)
Soul Summoning
– Cooldown rescaled from 10/9.4/8.8/8.2/7.6/7 seconds —> 8 seconds
Super Speed
– Damage dealt to enemies hit by the second dash (after also being hit by the first) increased from 300/330/360/390/420/450 (+0.6AP) —> 300/360/420/480/540/600 (+0.75AP)
– Cooldown increased from 10/9.4/8.8/8.2/7.6/7 seconds —> 11/10.4/9.8/9.2/8.6/8 seconds
– The first dash can now be interrupted
Mach Punch
– Magic damage for each stage rescaled from 120/150/180/210/240/270 (+0.25AP) —> 135/160/185/210/235/260 (+0.2AP)
– Magic damage when moving rescaled from 80/120/160 (+0.15AP) —> 90/130/170 (+0.12AP)
– Magic damage after pulling in enemies rescaled from 400/600/800 (+0.75AP) —> 450/675/900 (+0.6AP)
Base movement speed reduced from 350 —> 340
Ion Blasts
– Magic damage reduced from 500/560/620/680/740/800 (+0.75AP) —> 450/510/570/630/690/750 (+0.78AP)
Plague Specter
– Mana cost reduced from 80/90/100/110/120/130 —> 80/85/90/95/100/105
Poison Gas Bomb
– Slowdown effect reduced from 50% —> 30%
– Cast range reduced from 8.5m —> 8m
Power Surge
– Magic damage reduced from 500/590/680/770/860/950 (+1.0AP) —> 500/580/660/740/820/900 (+0.93AP)
– Fixed a bug in which the Magic Defense reduction was not effective
Battering Beads
– Magic damage increased from 300/360/420/480/540/600 (+0.42AP) —> 300/360/420/480/540/600 (+0.5AP)
– Mana cost reduced from 80/85/90/95/100/105 —> 70/75/80/85/90/95
Sutra of Pain
– Movement speed reduction rescaled from 35/40/45/50/55/60% —> 50%
– Mana cost reduced from 140/155/170 —> 100/125/150
Wicked Plot
– Every third normal attack no longer Curses the target, only Aleister’s abilities will
– True damage inflicted by explosion reduced from 130 (+10 per level) (+0.4AP) —> 55 (+8 per level) (+0.3AP)
– Mark duration reduced from 7 seconds —> 5 seconds
– Interval before the mark triggers is reduced from 5 seconds —> 0 seconds
Magic Barrier
– Cooldown rescaled from 13/12.2/11.4/10.6/9.8/9 seconds —> 12/11.4/10.8/10.2/9.6/9 seconds
Matrix of Woe
– Every stage of damage in the matrix will add 1 stack of Curse
– Magic damage for each stage rescaled from 115/130/145/160/175/190 (+0.38AP) —> 125/140/155/170/185/200 (+0.3AP)
– Cooldown reduced from 9 seconds —> 8 seconds
Magic Prison
– Each stage of damage will add 1 stack of Curse
– Magic damage for each stage reduced from 100/125/150 (+0.36AP) —> 100/125/150 (+0.25AP)
– Cooldown increased from 30/25/20 seconds —> 35/30/25 seconds
Arcane Spirits
– Each fireball that hits an enemy hero will restore 10 Mana and reduce cooldown by 0.6 seconds
Lethal Rays
– Shield damage reduction increased from 500/650/800 (+0.3AP) —> 500/750/1000 (+0.75AP)
– Magic damage increased from 350/420/490/560/630/700 (+1.0AP) —> 450/550/650/750/850/950 (+0.8AP)
– Mana cost rescaled from 60/70/80/90/100/110 —> 65/70/75/80/85/90
– Cooldown reduced from 7.5/7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds —> 6/5.8/5.6/5.4/5.2/5 seconds
Nature’s Wrath
– Cast range increased from 6.5m —> 7m
Sand Trap
– Magic damage reduced from 150 (+0.9AP) (+10 per level) —> 150 (+0.75AP) (+10 per level)
– Mark duration reduced from 7 seconds —> 5 seconds
– Cooldown for the inability to use on the same target reduced from 5 seconds —> 2 seconds
Sand Punch
– Magic damage reduced from 370/415/460/505/550/595 (+1.04AP) —> 350/390/430/470/510/550 (+0.9AP)
– Aerial time reduced from 1.25 seconds —> 1 second
– Cooldown rescaled from 8 seconds —> 7-9 seconds
– Attack delay reduced from 1.1 seconds —> 0.6 seconds
Angelic Splendor
– Duration of damage reduction effect reduced from 3 seconds —> 2.2 seconds
– Cooldown increased from 70/60/50 seconds —> 70/65/60 seconds
– Rescaled movement speed increase from 25/28/31/34/37/40% —> 30%
– Slowdown effect reduced from 50% —> 30%
Death’s Embrace
– Distance advanced reduced from 5.5m —> 5m
Bracelets of Submission
– Damage reduction decreased from 80% —> 50%
– Stun time reduced from 1 second —> 0.75 seconds
Death from Above
– Range decreased from 7m —> 6.5m
Deep Impact
– This ability cannot be interrupted
Butterfly received a complete visual redesign and her ability mechanics have undergone some changes.
– A kill or an assist resets the cooldowns for all of Butterfly’s abilities, but it no longer restores HP
– Physical damage reduced from 200/250/300/350/400/450 (+0.65AD) —> 200/240/280/320/360/400 (+0.65AD)
– Removed the slowdown effect on the target
– NEW: casting will remove slowdown, grant immunity to slowdown, and increase Butterfly’s movement speed by 50% for 1 second
Sword Propel
– Physical damage reduced from 390/440/490/540/590/640 (+1.25AD) —> 350/400/450/500/550/600 (+1.25AD)
– Damage reduction lowered from 60% that lasts for 2 seconds —> 50% that decreases to 0% over 3 seconds
– No longer grants increased movement speed, instead it now decreases the movement speed of the marked target by 30% for 3 seconds
– NEW: when the mark disappears or the target dies, 20% of the damage dealt will be converted to HP
– Damage rescaled from 180/260/340/420/500/580 (+1.0AD) —> 200/275/350/425/500/575 (+1.1AD)
– HP restored increased from 2% —> 4%
– Fixed a bug in which it is triggered when leaving battle
Ravenous Beast
– Magic damage reduced from 80 (+0.5AP) (3% of target’s max HP) —> 60 (+0.5AP) (3% of target’s max HP)
– HP restored reduced from 80 (+0.4AP) (3% of own max HP) —> 60 (+0.4AP) (3% of own max HP)
Lion Tamer
– Magic damage reduced from 275/325/375/425/475/525 (+0.4AP) —> 250/300/350/400/500 (+0.4AP)
– Magic damage increased from 300/350/400/450/500/550 (+1.5AP) —> 400/500/600/700/800/900 (+1.2AP)
– Cooldown reduced from 10/9.4/8.8/8.2/7.6/7 seconds —> 9/8.6/8.2/7.8/7.4/7 seconds
– Mana cost reduced from 70/80/90/100/110/120 —> 75/80/85/90/95/100
– Silence enemies around Grakk for 0.5 seconds
Devil’s Chain
– Cooldown reduced from 17/16/15/14/13/12 seconds —> 15/14.4/13.8/13.2/12.6/12 seconds
The Chi
– Increased attack damage duration reduced from 8 seconds —> 4 seconds
– Attack damage increase rescaled from 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (increased at level 1/4/7/10/13) —> 25/30/35/40% (increased at level 5/9/13)
– Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds —> 15 seconds
Pain on a Stick
– Physical damage increased from 120/145/170/195/220/245 (+0.85AD) —> 135/160/185/210/235/260 (+0.9AD)
– Physical damage increased from 400/550/700 (+1.0 AD) —> 500/650/800 (+1.0AD)
Bladed Guardian
– Shield HP rescaled from 150 (+1.65AD) —> 500 (+75 per level)
Bionic Blender
– Movement speed increase reduced from 10% —> 6%
– Maximum movement speed decreased from 50% —> 30%
Wailing Blade
– Blade spread distance decreased from 6m —> 5m
– Physical damage dealt in relation to max HP reduced from 12% —> 10%
Kryptonian Strength
– Physical damage dealt in relation to max HP reduced from 12% —> 10%
Speeding Bullet
– Physical damage reduced from (1.0AD) (12% of max HP) —> (1.0AD) (10% of max HP)
Power Glove
– Additional physical damage reduced from 120/180/240/300/360/420 (+0.5AD) —> 120/160/200/240/280/320 (+0.4AD)
Wild Beast Fury
– Physical damage reduced from 370/470/570 (+1.4AD) —> 370/470/570 (+1.2AD)
– Stun time reduced from 1.5 seconds —> 1 second
Red Stallion
– Movement distance for each cast reduced from 3.5m —> 3m
– Aerial control reduced from 0.7 seconds Aerial time and 0.2 seconds stun —> only 0.7 seconds Aerial time
– Increased attack damage increased from 80/120/160 —> 100/150/200
Fixed a bug in which Rourke’s passive armor-decrease effect would not be added to his normal attack
Charged Shot
– Reduced damage caused by each arrow from 240 (+0.8AD) —> 225 (+0.75AD)
– Physical damage increased from 350/440/530/620/710/800 (+1.8AD) —> 370/480/590/700/810/920 (+1.8AD)
– Reduced shield damage protection from 680/900/1120/1340/1560/1780 (+3.0AD) —> 600/800/1000/1200/1400/1600 (+2.8AD)
– Shield HP reduced from 170/225/280/335/390/445 (+0.75AD) —> 150/200/250/300/350/400 (+0.7AD)
Base attack damage increased from 169 —> 178
Pocket Glaive
– Red glaive damage rescaled from (+1.4AD) (+0.65AP) —> 100 (+12 per level) (+1.0AD) (+0.65AP)
– Blue glaive damage rescaled from 100 (+1.0AD) (+0.55AP) —> (+12 per level) (+0.6AD) (+0.55AP)
– Blue glaive cooldown reduction changed from reducing the cooldown of Ability 2 and Ability 3 by 1 second —> reducing the cooldown of all abilities by 1 second
– Yellow glaive damage rescaled from (+1.0AD) (+0.55AP) –> 100 (+12 per level) (+0.6AD) (+0.55AP)
– The ratio of red, blue, and yellow glaives has been adjusted to 4:2:4
Bloody Hunt
– Magic damage increased from 225/250/275/300/325/350 (+1.0AD) (+0.8AP) —> 300/330/360/390/420/450 (+0.8AD) (+0.8AP)
– Base range increased from 7m —> 7.5m
Canned Laughter
– Changed “cannot be targeted for 0.7 seconds” —> “immune to control for 0.7 seconds”
– Attack speed gain per level reduced from 4% —> 3%
– Base attack damage increased from 157 —> 163
The Morning Star
– Increased attack damage reduced from 10% —> 8%
Eagle Eye
– Bonus attack speed increased from 20/23/26/29/32/35% —> 30/32/34/36/38/40%
– Magic damage increased from 35/55/75/95/115/135 (+0.3AD) —> 100/120/140/160/180/200 (+0.1AD)
– Cooldown reduced from 10 seconds —> 8 seconds
Penetrating Shot
– Rescaled reduced movement speed from 30/34/38/42/46/50% —> 40%
Arrow of Chaos
– Physical damage reduced from 300/400/500 (+1.0AD) to 600/800/1000 (+1.4AD) —> 200/300/400 (+0.6AD) to 400/600/800 (+1.0AD)
– Stun time rescaled from 1 second —> 0.75 to 1.75 seconds
– The further away the enemy is, the more damage and longer stun inflicted
– Bonus movement speed increased from 20% —> 30%
– Fixed a bug in which Arrow of Chaos would trigger damage twice sometimes
Explosive Arrow
– Changed the effect from 1 second immobilization time —> 0.75 second stun time
Thief’s Mark
– Ability range changed from 7.5m —> 8m
Rolling Lightning
– Cannot be targeted when rolling
Piercing Gaze
– Physical damage reduced from 90/180/270/360/450/540 (+45% physical bonus) —> 100/180/260/340/420/500 (+40% physical bonus)
– Base max HP reduced from 3443 —> 3201
Chaos Protection
– Duration of control immunity and damage reduction for teammates increased from 0.5 seconds —> 1 second
Hissy Fit
– Reduced enemy’s movement speed reduction from 35/40/45% —> 25/30/35%
– Decreased max HP gain from +800 —> +750
– Decreased Armor gain from +120 —> +100
Spear of Longinus
– Increased price from 2060 —> 2080
– Changed crafting equipment from Astral Spear + Platinum Gauntlets —-> Astral Spear + Ring of Vitality + Magic Ring
– Changed attributes from +150 Armor —> +400 max HP
Frost Cape
– Price reduced from 2000 —> 1970
– Decreased Armor gain from +250 —> +200
Frosty’s Revenge
– Increased price from 1780 —> 2020
– Changed crafting equipment from Enchanted Scroll + Gladiator’s Gauntlets + Gladiator’s Gauntlets —> Enchanted Scroll + Necklace of Vitality
– Changed attributes from Magic Defense +220 —> max HP +850
– Reduced movement speed gain from +7% —> +5%
– Reduced the slowdown effect of the Unique Passive ‘Chill’ from 25% —> 20%
Source: Arena of Valor official site.
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