January 14th 2022 Update Patch Notes

March 24th, 2023 Update Patch Notes

The March 24th 2023 Update sees Zashiki, Yato no Kami, Hakuzosu, Kyonshi Imoto, Dai Shimei, Inryo, Itsumade, and Menreiki have been adjusted.

Balance Adjustments


Zashiki poses a significant threat to the enemy’s DPS shikigami in teamfights due to her Ultimate Ability Serendipity’s high survivability and the high damage limit of her Ability 1: Indoor Cleansing. We also noticed that her Ability 2: Fortune Chain may have difficulty hitting enemies accurately.

As a result, we have reduced the damage limit of her Ability 1: Indoor Cleansing and the duration of her Ultimate Ability Serendipity, while increasing the flight speed of her Ability 2: Fortune Chain, in the hopes of optimizing her ability casting while leaving enough room for both sides to counter.

Ability 1: Indoor Cleansing

Reduced the bonus damage dealt per orb from 10/16/22/28/34 (+5%of Ability Power) (+2.5*current level) to 6/11/16/21/26 (+2.5% of Ability Power) (+1.5*current level).

Reduced max restoration each time the ability is cast from 61.6/95.8/130.0/164/198.2 (+30% of Ability Power) (+14*current level) to 48.2/79.0/109.8/140.6/171.4 (+22.4% of Ability Power)(+10.6*current level).

Ability 2: Fortune Chain

The orb chain’s flight speed no longer decreases.

Ultimate Ability: Serendipity

Reduced the duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

Shield from 250 (+25% HP lost)/300 (+30% HP lost)/350 (+35% HP lost) to 250 (+20% HP lost)/300 (+22.5% HP lost)/350 (+25% HP lost).

Yato no Kami

Yato no Kami is overwhelming in combat due to his Ultimate Ability: Finale’s long duration and his strong recovery capability. The mechanism by which participating in sealing enemy shikigami extends the duration of Yato no Kami’s enhanced state further increases the duration of his Ultimate Ability, making it difficult for enemies to evade.

That’s why we’ve reduced the strength of Yato no Kami’s Ultimate Ability: Finale to allow for reasonable countering on both sides.

Ultimate Ability: Finale

Reduced the duration from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.

Reduced the extension of the duration by participating in sealing enemy shikigami from 7 seconds to 4 seconds.

Reduced the recovery amount for each enemy shikigami hit from 17.5/22.5/27.5 (+15% extra Attack) to 15/19/23 (+12% extra Attack).


It has come to our attention that Hakuzosu does not perform well in combat. He has low survivability in the late game, making it hard for him to enter the battlefield as a Ninja shikigami.

We aim to enhance Hakuzosu’s late-game survivability by boosting the growth of his abilities. Additionally, we will increase his damage output in human form, which will allow him to be more effective in combat when he is unable to enter the battlefield.

Ability 2: Mt.Dream-Binding Seal(Human Form)

Increased the Ability Power bonus from 50%to 70%.

Ability 3: Mt.Dream-Eyes of Fire(Human Form)

Increased the Dream Fire growth rate with levels from 25 to 40.

Ability 3: White Fox-Dream Fire(Fox Form)

Increased the Dream Fire growth rate with levels from 25 to 40.

Kyonshi Imoto

Given Kyonshi Imoto’s underperformance in the jungle lane, we have increased the damage output of her trait: Let’s Play and the effective range of her ability, hoping to enhance her gameplay experience.

Trait: Let’s Play

Increased the damage dealt to monsters from 130%to 150%.

Increased the ability effective range from 200 to 225.

Dai Shimei

Dai Shimei’s strength is overwhelming when he is selected for the top lane. This makes it difficult for other melee shikigami in the same lane to counter him effectively. That’s why we’ve decided to reduce his Base Armor, creating more opportunities for other melee shikigami to counter Dai Shimei.

Reduced Base Armor from 64 to 54.


Inryo’s strength is overwhelming when he is selected for the top lane. This makes it difficult for other melee shikigami in the same lane to counter him effectively. That’s why we’ve reduced his Base HP and Base Attack Damage, creating more opportunities for other melee shikigami to counter Inryo.

Reduced Base HP from 860 to 820.

Reduced Base Attack Damage from 76 to 68.


We have noticed that Itsumade heavily relies on her Ability 2: Invisible Edge, as her primary source of DPS, which results in an average performance in combat. We hope to align Itsumade’s abilities with her position as a Ninja shikigami who has the ability to enter the battlefield and deal burst damage, rather than relying mainly on ranged harassment.

That’s why we’ve adjusted Itsumade’s Ability 1: Hunter Repellent and Ability 2: Invisible Edge and slightly increased her combat capability in the early game.

Ability 1: Hunter Repellent

Increased base damage from 85/130/175/220/265 to 85/140/195/250/305.

Ability 2: Invisible Edge

Increased base damage from 70/130/190/250/310 to 110/160/210/260/310.


Menreiki’s Ultimate Ability: Seven Masks has a relatively short duration and is therefore ineffective in teamfights. Also, her Ability 3: Forbidden Face has a significant gap in cast range between enhanced and non-enhanced states.

We aim to balance the casting experience of her Ability 3: Forbidden Face in both its enhanced and non-enhanced states, and grant Menreiki the ability to extend the enhanced state of her Ultimate Ability: Seven Masks.

Ability 3: Forbidden Face

Increased the cast range from 700 to 725.

Reduced the cast range for the duration of her Ultimate Ability: Seven Masks from 850 to 800.

Ultimate Ability: Seven Masks

For the duration of her Ultimate Ability, participating in sealing enemy shikigami extends the enhanced state by 3 seconds.

Optimizations and Adjustments

Optimized the facial expressions in Chin’s Incense Remnant skip cutscene. Fixed an issue with Hana’s Fleeting Moonlight, which was displaying abnormally in the static skip cutscene on the shikigami selection screen and the results screen, and an issue with the blurred illustration on the top for Aoandon’s Phantom Lights and Phantom Orbs in the Heian-kyo interface style.

Optimized the performance of some in-match sound effects for Kinnara’s Heavenly Spiral Order, Izaya’s Jade Cloud Grandeur, Youko’s Dazzling Splendor, Ungaikyo’s Profound Clarity, Nekomata’s Geisha Poetry, Dodomeki’s Mana: Observer, and Hououga’s Unwavering Devotion.

We have made overall adjustments to the interrupt-immunity logic, ensuring that during the charging of Kani Hime’s Ability 1: Conch Hammer, the casting of the thunderstorm summoned by Ootakemaru’s Ability 1: Hillcry: Thunder, and the casting of Ryomen’s Ultimate Ability: Divine Combo, the control effects will take effect normally but will not interrupt the casting of the corresponding abilities.

Shiro’s Ability 2: Soul Curse and Ultimate Ability: Wandering Soul are currently banned from use before the Soul-sapping Banner lands. After our adjustments to the casting logic to improve Shiro’s gameplay, his Ability 2: Soul Curse and Ultimate Ability: Wandering Soul can be used before the Soul-sapping Banner lands, and these abilities will automatically be cast upon landing.

Free Shikigami Lineup Bulletin

We will change the lineup of the limited-time free shikigami at 5: 00 AM on 3/27. The new free shikigami will be Suzuka Gozen, Hako Shoujo, Kuro, Furi, Kamimai, Ootengu, Kiyohime, and Nekomata.

Onmyoji who own the God of Fortune Month Pact will have the additional free shikigami, Ibaraki Doji and Taishakuten.

Of these shikigami, Nekomata has a difficulty of Hard. Onmyoji who have been in Heian-kyo for less than 7 days can’t use her in battle for free.

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