Liliana Hero Spotlight

Welcome to the Liliana Hero Spotlight. Check out the full video for a guide to the Liliana, the Elegant, including more on her gameplay, abilities, and build.
Fox Form (Passive): Human Form grants ranged normal attack. Fox Form increases armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal attacks in Fox Form deal magic damage.
Shining Light (1st Ability – Human Form): Liliana focuses her magic and deals magic damage to enemies in the target area. If the ability hits 2 or more enemy heroes, then normal attacks are enhanced to deal additional magic damage equal to 5% (+1% for every 120 ability power) of the target’s maximum HP for the next 4 seconds. Replaced by Foxtrot when in Fox Form.
Foxtrot (1st Ability – Fox Form): Liliana attacks the target with her tails, dealing magic damage. Her next normal attack is enhanced and deals magic damage 3 times. She also dashes forward. Replaced by Shining Light in Human Form.
Blinding Light (2nd Ability – Human Form): Liliana fires Reiki Shots at an enemy hero, dealing magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies.
Leap of the Fox (2nd Ability – Fox Form): Liliana leaps in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies along the path. The ability turns into Reiki Shot and becomes immediately usable if an enemy hero is hit, firing Reiki Shots at the enemy hero and dealing magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. Replaced by Blinding Light in Human Form.
Unpredictable (Ultimate – Human Form): Liliana charges in the target direction and enters Fox Form, dealing magic damage to enemies along the path and slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds. Liliana cannot be targeted while charging, and gains 120 armor and magic defense as well as ability power for 2.5 seconds after entering Fox Form.
Unpredictable (Ultimate – Fox Form): Liliana teleports to the target location and returns to Human Form, leaving magic circles behind at both the origin and destination, and reducing the movement speed of enemies inside the circles by 50%. The circles explode after 1 second, dealing magic damage. Liliana cannot be targeted while teleporting, and gains ability power for 2.5 seconds after entering Human Form.
Learn more about Liliana story & abilities on our preview here.
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