Tome of the Reaper & Curse of Death Guide

Welcome to the new Arena of Valor Workshop! In this episode, we will cover two items that WRECK your opponent’s ability to heal and recover: the Tome of the Reaper and the Curse of Death.
Welcome to the new Arena of Valor Workshop! In this episode, we will cover two items that WRECK your opponent’s ability to heal and recover: the Tome of the Reaper and the Curse of Death.
Welcome to the Wonder Woman Hero Spotlight. Check out the full video for a guide to the Wonder Woman, Amazon of Themyscira, including more on her gameplay, abilities, and build.
Welcome to the Road to Mastery with Taara. Become the best Taara ever through our comprehensive guide to mastering her on the battlefield!
Heroes are divided into six classes within Arena of Valor: Tank, Warrior, Mage, Assassin, Marksman, and Support.
When you’re playing against Ryoma, be extra careful to where you stand. The distance between you and Ryoma decides everything.
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Feel hopeless when you’re struggling with Liliana’s complex ability set? Well, it’s actually not that hard – only if you watch this video.