Dec. 19th AoV Developer Letter

Dear challengers:
“Jingle bells, jingle bells.” Tis the season! So, what should you expect during the holidays this year? Well, we know you all expect gifts from Santa, but this time Arena of Valor is stuffing your stockings! Now let’s get a peak under the wrapping with our latest Developer Letter.
The Winter Festival is coming! Come, check out the new appearance of the lobby, Xeniel’s Codex, and keep an eye out for other changes. We hope you enjoy the little bit of holiday spirit that we try to bring to the game whenever we can.
This isn’t just the holiday season, we also just celebrated an important anniversary. December 19th was the 2nd anniversary of AOV. We want to thank all of you players for helping bring Arena of Valor two successful years. We couldn’t do it without your love and support. Thank you for playing, and we hope that we can bring you all many more years of fun and entertainment across all regions with Arena of Valor.
To celebrate we are launching a series of events. For details please read below:
12/20 – 1/2 ~ Play the game to earn skins, chests and frames.
12/25 ~ Sign-in gifts including heroes (Alice, Tulen, Riktor) and Arctic Expedition: Thunderclap.
12/25 & 1/1 ~ Play for double Gold rates, and all heroes are available.
Let’s celebrate the coming of the New Year with pink snowflakes in Arena of Valor!
We are continuously working on issues pointed out by players, so please continue to report any issues you encounter through the in-game services or by posting about them in community spaces.
Unable to complete the mission playing Gladiator’s Summit
We noticed some of you could not complete the Gladiator’s Summit mission. This issue has been resolved with the 12/20 patch update.
AFK judgement mechanism
Some of you reported that the judgement mechanism of AFK might have misjudged you. We hear your feedback on this issue and are continuously optimizing our AFK judgement mechanism.
The merge plan for Indian server
We plan to merge Indian Server into the current NA/EU version after the major version updates in January 2020, by then you can transfer your account with your data to the new server. Now, keeping in mind that if Indian players played with EU/NA server players the lag/delay caused by physical distance between players would have a large impact on matches. Thus, the Indian Server will be an INDEPENDENT server connected on the EU/NA Server.
Gladiator’s Summit
Some of you reported that the Warrior heroes were too strong in Gladiator’s Summit, and the ADC heroes were almost useless. We have listened to your suggestions and will make some adjustments to balance the heroes in the future.
The One-Button-Selling feature will be available in the major version updates in January 2020.
Look at this Taara’s academy skin drawn by [that_one_tuna_fish]! Very creative, we look forward to seeing your final design!
Today we want to share the backstory to a fun Easter Egg in the game.
At the end of the First Darkness Invasion in the Darkness Era 300, the soldiers from the Forest of Shadow and the Demon Abyss were locked in a brutal battle. A descendant of Landirr, the newly awakened Elven Queen, Tel’Annas, let fly a lone arrow. That arrow, blessed by the world tree, struck and mortally wounded the Lord of Darkness, Volkath, killing him. The Demon Abyss was thus defeated and returned to the underworld.
Based on this background, Tel’Annas’s ult ‘Arrow of Chaos’ will cause true damage to Volkath in matches. So, when your opponents choose Volkath, why not try Tel’Annas and see what she can do?
We’d like to hear more feedback and suggestions from all of you that play Arena of Valor. Join our official Arena of Valor Discord server here: where you can chat and interact with the vibrant community and share your feedback!
We’ll continue to make strides with each update. Thank you for playing.
Until next time.
– Arena of Valor Team
Tencent announcement on Reddit.