Dec. 27th AoV Developer Letter

Dear challengers!
Happy Holidays! Before getting to this week’s Developer Letter, let’s talk a little bit about movie. Did you watch Love Actually this year? Well many of our devs love this movie and watching it on Christmas has become a tradition for them. You can also leave your favorite movies down this post and we’ll pick one to watch for the New Year holidays!
Did you enjoy the holiday season? In Arena of Valor, it’s Winter Festival season. Have you collected enough Winter Hats? We also hope you did not miss the Double Gold Reward & All Heroes Open on Dec 25th.
But that’s not the end of holiday season events. We’ve just started a 10-day login event for Arthur’s Thunderclap skin. We have added the 10-day login event icon on the main page to fix the banner picture bug. Now you can join the event directly by clicking the icon.
And on January 1st , 2020, we will release a new Skin Theme: Rose Party. Who are the heroes? What is your favorite way to obtain these skins? Let us know what you think, and stay tuned.
We are continuously working on issues pointed out by players, so please continue to report any issues you encounter through the in-game services or by posting about them in community spaces.
Invisible Baldum
We’ve noticed that sometimes Baldum gets invisible in some players’ vision. We’ve located the bug and fixed it already.
D’Arcy’s Ability 2
We’ve noticed that a damage delay happens during the releasing of D’Arcy’s Ability 2. We’ve located the bug and fixed it already.
10-day Login Event not Showing
We’ve noticed that many players reporting that the they cannot find the 10-day Login Event. We have added the 10-day login event icon on the main page to fix the banner picture bug. Now you can join the event directly by clicking the icon.
Thanks to @ jbrunogplay! A very cute Butterfly painting.
Today we’ll bring another Easter Egg in Arena of Valor.
Have you noticed that Ryoma always holds the weapon by his left hand? And you’ll always find his right arm covered by the cloak. And here comes the reason:
When Ryoma was young, being too shy and weak, he’s got bullied by other kids a lot. Fortunately, a senior apprentice, Kondo, always stood out and helped him. They became each other’s best friend. By taking Kondo’s training, Ryoma had become strong and mastered the skills of using blade.
After their graduation, they started to fight for their own families. Unfortunately, their own families had long-time hatred and conflict. A war broke out.
At the end of the war, there was a battle between Ryoma and Kondo. Ryoma’s blade, held by his right hand, brutally stuck into Kondo’s chest. But Kondo’s blade stopped in the air, a few inches away from Ryoma’s throat.
Since then, Ryoma decided not to use his right arm anymore.
We’d like to hear more feedback and suggestions from all of you that play Arena of Valor. Join our official Arena of Valor Discord server here: where you can chat and interact with the vibrant community and share your feedback!
We’ll continue to make strides with each update. Thank you for playing.
Until next time.
– Arena of Valor Team
Dec. 27th AoV Developer Letter.