Design Concept: Allain, the Reminiscence Blade

Arena of Valor August 2020 Update Preview

Take a behind the scenes look at how Tencent Games created newest hero Allain, the Reminiscence Blade!

Design Concept: Allain, the Reminiscence Blade

Allain is an orphan who grew up in Roseburg, and he joined the Swordsman Training Camp to become the best swordsman.

We modelled Allain to be a kind-hearted and cheerful teenager. He has beautiful eyes and a warm smile. Besides, the two swords owned by Allain harbor a deep meaning. As a young man who has lost his memories, he has a certain inner strength but is also mysterious.

What do you think about Allain’s Design Concept? Comment below!

Background story

Background story

Allain, an orphan who grew up in Roseburg. Despite living a difficult childhood, he managed to rise and join the Swordsman Training Camp to become the best swordsman.

However, in a mission, they must fight with a very strong enemy. To protect the Butterfly, Allain decides to become a bait and hold the enemy. Since then, there has been no news of Allain’s whereabouts …

After several years, Allain suddenly appeared as a member of Shadow Hand. However, he could not remember anything, only the name and also the truth that the organization had saved him. Because of the organization’s orders, Allain always worked with the world of darkness, and that made him feel uncomfortable and could not eliminate his guilt. However, Shadow Hand said that what he did was for the good of humanity in the future.

On the next mission, Allain quietly escaped from the supervision of his boss. For the first time, he regained his freedom, and he began searching for his lost memories …

Concept art

Concept art

We tried to create a kind-hearted and cheerful teenager when designing Allain. He has a beautiful eye and warm smile. But behind his cheerful figure, he has experienced meny trials and bitter stories.

Although it changed him completely, he never lost his true self and extraordinary sword skills. We give Allain Dual Swords, which symbolizes reminiscences of his past.

Weapon details

Weapon details

Allain using a Double Edged Sword and Magic Sword that contains Dark Energy. These swords have a deeper meaning in it, which are related to the scars on his face.

We also create cool looking clothes that are used by Allain as a wanderer. He travels around the world in order to find his lost memories.

Skill and special effect

Skill and special effect

With two swords on his hands, there’s nothing that can’t be cut by Allain. His attack is as fast as lightning and can’t be stopped. He can deal both Physical and Magic Damage with his Magical Swords in one hit. It’s no wonder that Allain’s known as The Fastest Swordmaster in Athanor!

Final model

Final model

The Reminiscence Blade journey will start now. Are you ready to welcome Allain’s presence in Horizon Valley?

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