January 2018 Update Highlights

Tencent Games has released new video featuring January 2018 update highlights. Arena of Valor new version will be released on the Europe, North America and South America servers next week.
Tencent Games has released new video featuring January 2018 update highlights. Arena of Valor new version will be released on the Europe, North America and South America servers next week.
Let’s check out beautiful Brunhilda cosplay has announced by Garena Vietnam. Brunhilda will release on Arena of Valor Vietnam server in Xeniel’s Codex Season 9 with new name Celica on September 2nd, 2019.
Let’s check out the beautiful Capheny cosplay by Taiwanese cosplayer Laira. Capheny is the newest hero and has released in Taiwan servers.
On December 18th, AoV will hold a Hotfix to perform some adjustments to Hero Balance. Please check the information below for more details.
Let’s check out the winners of Sakura Fubuki Airi & Bloodthirst Ryoma Cosplay Contest in Vietnam organized by Garena Vietnam, Vietnamese Arena of Valor publisher.
Crush your enemy and slam into the battlefield as the pandharma master, Zuka is available now in Arena of Valor Nintendo Switch Edition!
Garena Vietnam, Vietnamese Arena of Valor publisher, has released new skin Bloodraid Airi (Vietnamese: Airi Cấm Vệ Nguyệt Tộc) from 00:00 March 6th, 2018 with 379 Vouchers. Airi and Bloodraid Airi bundle on sale off to 689 Vouchers from 978 Vouchers until March 10th, 2018.