May 7th AoV Developer Letter

Let’s check out the May 7th 2020 Arena of Valor Developer Letter and what is Tencent Games doing in their servers.
Dear Challengers,
We welcome you all to our latest Developer Letter.
Valor Pass Season 16 is now up for pre-purchasing! From May 7th to 13th, you can get Butterfly’s Royal Guard: Wild Swan skin and 300 tribute when you purchase the pass early. This way you’ll have a head start in unlocking this season’s rewards! New hero Rouie will also be available in VP16 free line.
The 10 day’s login event is already in process, whose main reward is Roxie: Strawberry Roller. You can easily get it just by signing in for 10 times before May 16th. Come on and win the free skin!
For the players in South Asia Server, the transfer event from the old Indian Server be ended till May 17th. Please inform your friends who play AoV that don’t forget to transfer their accounts into the new server as soon as possible. We will no longer deal with any transfer application later than May 17th.
Reporting System’s Optimization
In the last two weeks, we’ve shared some information about the changing direction in the feedback of the reporting system. Today we will continue sharing the optimization of the reporting system. We are going to add a reporting record page outside the game, where players can check the recent punishment of themselves or the ones reported by them. In addition, we will also optimize the rules of punishment for kinds of bad in-game behaviors. We will start a special survey and research on that In order to evaluate the seriousness of the bad behaviors. Based on the result, we will improve the reporting system and adjust the specific rules of punishment to ensure that the players can believe that the ones you reported will surely be punished.
The goal of the optimization of the reporting system is not only to let reporters know the effect of their reporting but also to make all the players pay more attention to their game behaviors and reduce bad game behaviors, thereby optimizing the overall game experience.
Hacker Issue
We are always concerned about the hacker issue and the bad game experience caused by this issue. Recently we cracked down harder on hackers through more methods and have banned thousands of accounts due to hackers. We will surely continue doing that and at the same time, we hope players can positively provide us with more information about hackers and boycott hackers. A good game environment needs our effort together. Thanks a lot!
Hero Challenge Issue
We’ve noticed that some players have reported that after completing the challenge, the consuming days recorded in the challenge page still kept increasing. We’ve located the issue and have already fixed it. Thank you for your feedback.
Monthly Sign-in Issue
We’ve noticed that there is a text error of the period of the monthly sign-in event. We’ll fix this in the next week. By then, the correct period will be from 2020/5/1-2020/7/31, which means you can win the skin reward by signing in for 35 times during the following three months.
Roxie Skin Issue
We’ve noticed that the skin Roxie-Maid Cafe was not displayed in the battle. We’ve fixed the issue and thank you for your feedback.
Arcade Mode Issue
We’ve noticed that some players have reported that it takes a long time to match in some arcade modes. In order to reduce the waiting time and optimize the game experience, we are going to open the arcade mode of 10 v 10, which will be available in limited time on weekends, please keep tuned.
Lag Issue
We’ve noticed that some players reported the lag issue in-game. We’ve started special research focusing on this issue. We hope to improve the players’ game experience as much as possible based on the real situation of the local mobile operators. We’ll inform you at once if any progress.
Lore Story
The answers to last week’s lore are AAA. Please tell us if you have all the right answers! For this week, we’ll bring you some questions about the relation of the heroes in Arena of Valor. If you feel a little bit difficult to answer the question, feel free to check the hero story for help.
Who is Veera’s sister in Lokheim?
A: Marja
B: Ilumia
Who is the employer and sister of Butterfly?
A: Astrid
B: Kahlii
Who molested Butterfly at a noble banquet?
A: Florentino
B: Valhein
We’ll continue to make strides with each update. Thank you for playing.
Until next time. – Arena of Valor Team