Onmyoji Arena July 15th 2022 Update Patch Notes

July 15th 2022 Update Patch Notes

New Shikigami Invades Heian-kyo!


I will let the silent Sea of Eternity sing again.

The mermaid’s song awakens the sea, where the tides flow again. Senhime summons a tidal power to attack the enemy. At the same time, she receives the tide’s blessings in the form of enhanced abilities.




Trait: Tidal Echo

Hitting enemy units with the ability inflicts a Tidal Echo mark on them. Basic attacks will pass between targets inflicted with the Tidal Echo mark and trigger the mark.

Triggering the mark grants Blessings and restores HP.

When Senhime has 50 Blessings or more, casting basic abilities will consume 50 Blessings and enhance the ability cast.

Ability 1: Thousand Tides

Senhime launches an expanding wave in the designated direction, dealing damage to enemies in its path.

Enhancement effect: Deals more damage to targets.

Ability 2: Illusory Torrent

Senhime summons a tide. Casting this ability again summons another tide elsewhere. An Illusory Torrent forms between the two tides, dealing damage and inflicting a Slow effect on enemies within range.

Enhancement effect: Upgrades the Slow effect to a Charm effect.

Ability 3: Tide of Eternity

Senhime casts the Tide of Eternity, dealing damage and inflicting a Slow effect on enemies within range.

Enhancement effect: Dealing damage to shikigami grants Senhime a shield and the Haste effect.

Ultimate Ability: Tidal Dream

Summons the Ocean Halberd at the designated position and creates a Sea of Eternity zone that lasts 5 seconds. The zone deals continuous damage to enemies within range. While the zone is active, Senhime can cast the ability’s second stage, Dream.

Dream: Senhime pulls out the Ocean Halberd and launches a torrential wave, dealing magic damage to enemies in its path and pulling the enemies it hits into the center of the wave. At the same time, Senhime gains Armor and a Magic Resist bonus.

New Season Starts

Season 18 will start after the maintenance on July 15th, 2022. Please check the detailed info below:

Players’ initial tier in Season 18 will be based on their final tier in Season 17 according to the season rules.

Players whose highest tier in Season 17 reached Gold or above will get the avatar frame for the corresponding tier. But the Superstar Avatar Frame will only be granted to players who are still in the Superstar tier at the end of Season 17.

After Season 18 starts, players who participated in at least 60 5v5 matches or 80 Fun Mode matches, and had an average punishment (punished matches / total matches) of less than 0.025/match in Season 17 will be granted a Season 17 exclusive skin for Momo, Art of War: Vernal Vine. During Season 18, players who meet the requirements for claiming a rank skin can claim the Season 18 exclusive rank skin for Mushishi, Virtue of War: Dusk Song. When Season 19 starts, players who meet the requirements will be able to claim the Season 18 exclusive skin for Kyonshi Ani, Art of War: Perilous Battlefield.

After Season 18 starts, the match data of Season 18 will be added to the Season Momento.

Dusk Song

Perilous Battlefield

Heian-kyo Showdown

Heian-kyo Showdown will be available after the maintenance on July 15th until August 14th, 2022. You need to meet the following conditions to participate: reach Challenger tier or higher when the results are tallied for the previous season’s Ranked Match.

Heian-kyo Points will be cleared at the start of each season. In the meantime, you will inherit a certain number of Heian-kyo Points based on your tier in last season’s Ranked Match. Onmyoji who have performed well in Heian-kyo Showdown matches will obtain additional Heian-kyo Points.

New Events

Tour Star: Shark Leaf

Tour Star: Shark Leaf

Event Period: July 15th after maintenance to July 21st, 2022

During the event, spend 60 Jade to participate in the preorder for Kuro’s OPL exclusive skin, Tour Star: Shark Leaf and instantly claim a 7-day trial for the Tour Star: Shark Leaf skin, 6 Tour Star: Shark Leaf Skin Token Vouchers, an exclusive avatar frame, a 10-day Pact: Kuro, and more rewards. Complete quests for 6 additional exclusive Skin Token Vouchers, and offset up to a total of 120 Jade.

Special Offer Pack

Special Offer Pack

Event Period: July 15th after maintenance to July 28th, 2022

During the event, Special Offer Daruma Packs, Special Offer Skin Token Packs, and Special Offer Coin Packs will be available for a limited time. Don’t miss out!

Dazzling Treasure

Dazzling Treasure

Event Period: July 15th after maintenance to August 25th, 2022

Meet the recharge requirements during the event to get rewards including Skin Tokens, Skin Token Vouchers, Evolved Form Amulets, and a rare avatar frame!

Limited Time Skin Offer

Limited Time Skin Offer

Event Period: July 15th after maintenance to July 28th, 2022

Complete event quests to collect Points and claim Skin Coupons as progress rewards. Participate in the Limited Time Skin Offer event for additional skin discounts. Don’t miss out!

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Event Period: July 15th after maintenance to July 28th, 2022

Complete quests to obtain Feathers (item does not expire), which can be exchanged for rare and epic skins! Multiple new skins have been added to the Treasure Chest. The skin prize pool will also be updated constantly.

S18 Battle Pass: First Cycle

S18 Battle Pass

S18 Battle Pass: First Cycle is on! The First Cycle will end on August 25th, 2022. For this cycle, new Battle Pass exclusive skins, Season Skin: Superior, Return Effects, Broadcast Themes, Sakurako skin, as well as other rewards have been added. Previous seasons’ Battle Pass skins can now be redeemed in the Battle Pass Shop! Attractive skins from S8 and earlier are now available for redemption. The redemption pool will be continuously updated.

If you spend 380 Jade, you can unlock all the content of Battle Pass and instantly claim all Battle Pass rewards of your current pass level. The rewards for this season include Return Cursed Seal: Tidal Roar, Broadcast Theme: Senhime, Sakurako: Forest Spirit, S18 Rank Skin: Superior – Frosty Dewdrops, and Miketsu’s new skin, Woodland Sunset. If you spend 660 Jade, you can unlock Battle Pass and get the S18 Battle Pass: Open (Precious) avatar frame, level up your Battle Pass by 15 levels and claim Miketsu’s new skin.

Woodland Sunset

Item Adjustments

Samurai Shikigami Item Adjustments

We have made adjustments to some Samurai shikigami item stats, item special effects, and their fusion recipes, hoping to see Samurai shikigami break free from the current behavior of predictably selecting Mikazuki as their first item, and having more options when facing different scenarios. We also hope for Samurai shikigami to increase their use of DPS items, so as to balance out their offensive strength and survivability.

Scattered Rays (New)

We have added a new intermediate Heal Down item that offers Attack Damage, providing shikigami with more options for a suitable Heal Down item in the early game.

Price: 650

+30 Attack

Suppression: Your physical damage inflicts a 20% Heal Down effect on enemy shikigami for 2 seconds.

Yin Yang Wheel

We have adjusted the stats and passive of Yin Yang Wheel, increasing its HP Regen effect, hoping that this item will perform better against targets with higher HP.

+60 Attack
+450 HP
+100% HP Regen
+10% Cooldown Reduction

Chop: Every 3 seconds, your next basic melee attack deals (+5% (increases by 1% for every 50 extra Attack) of target’s Max HP) physical damage to the target and enemies near the target. The damage to minions is 200%. Also recovers HP equal to 50% of the actual bonus damage dealt to the target. If the target is not a shikigami, HP recovery rate is reduced to 10%.


We have suitably increased the HP Steal stat of Bonerotter, hoping that it can be used more frequently in matches.

+85 Attack
+90 Armor
+8% Life Steal
+8% Spell Vampire


We have adjusted the stats and passive of Mikazuki to decrease its cost-performance ratio in the early game, hoping to reduce the frequency of it being Samurai shikigami’s first item, thereby increasing the option pool for their first equipped item.

+500 HP
+30 Attack
+10% Cooldown Reduction
Claws: +15% ArPen

Moonchaser: Whenever physical damage is dealt to a shikigami, Armor Pierce is increased by 3% for 5 seconds. This can be stacked for a maximum of 8 times. The Armor Pierce increase for ranged shikigami is halved.

Greater Devourer Ball

We have added a Movement Speed Bonus to Greater Devourer Ball when the shield is broken, further increasing the extent of survivability this item offers.

Devourer: Generates a shield that can absorb 240 (+120% Attack) magic damage. The shield will refresh if no magic damage is taken for 20 seconds. When the shield breaks, Movement Speed is increased by 30% for 3 seconds but will gradually slow down during this period.

Shadow Blade

We have adjusted the stats and fusion recipe of Shadow Blade, removing its Armor Penetration and adding a passive that increases Movement Speed, so as to increase the wearer’s mobility.

Fusion Recipe:
Sulfur Hammer + Blade-Shattering Soul (New)

+60 Attack
+450 HP

Suppression: Your physical damage inflicts a 35% Heal Down effect on enemy shikigami for 4 seconds.

Dark Feathers: When attacks or abilities hit enemy shikigami, Movement Speed is increased by 8 for 4 seconds. This effect stacks up to 8 times.

Eye of Orochi

We have replaced the Nightwing effect in the Eye of Orochi with a passive Life Steal, distinguishing the HP Steal effect in this Samurai item with that of other Marksman items.


Life Steal is no longer named Nightwing.

Demon Mask

As the current item adjustments seek to offer stat buffs, we hope for Demon Mask to gain bonuses through some Attack items.

Adjusted Shield from (270+50% Bonus HP) to (200+30% Bonus HP+200% Attack).

Tank Shikigami Item Adjustments

We have remade Tsukuyomi Do. In consideration of shikigami with high MP cost, it now provides a large amount of MP directly, and offers a Defense stat based on its Max MP. We have also added a Magic Resist item that offers Tenacity, hoping that Tank shikigami can somewhat resist control effects when facing a team with multiple control abilities.

Moonlight Meditation (New)

After the removal of Lavish Red Robe, a new defensive item focusing on Magic Resist and capable of providing Tenacity has been added so that players can have more suitable options against control-heavy lineups.

+750 HP
+70 Magic Resist
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+100% HP Regen

Mind Focus: Gains 25% Tenacity for 4 seconds after entering battle. Cooldown is 40 seconds. Also refreshes cooldown after inflicting strong control effects on enemy shikigami.

Tsukuyomi Do

We have remade Tsukuyomi Do, providing certain shikigami who lack MP with another choice in defensive items.

Price: 1,900

Fusion Recipe:
Ningyo Soulstone + Kitsune Mask

+350 HP
+300 MP
+90 Armor
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+100% MP Regen

King Mu Order: When damage (prior to damage reduction) equal to 30% of your Max HP is taken within 5 seconds, a shield that absorbs 200 (+15% Max MP) damage will be generated. A frost ring that decreases the hit target’s Attack Speed by 20% for 4 seconds will also be triggered. The cooldown of this effect is 12 seconds.

Soul Infusion: You gain 8 MP for the death of each nearby enemy unit to a maximum of 800. The effect is doubled when you kill the enemy unit.

Rogue’s Gauntlet

We have increased the stats of Rogue’s Gauntlet, as well as its price, levelled out its fusion and granted it stronger defensive capabilities.

Price: 850

Fusion Recipe:
Bronze Scale + Hermit Kariginu

+400 HP
+30 Armor

Vaisravana Drum

As the first item for Tank shikigami, Vaisravana Drum is currently too strong, being distinctly effective against shikigami that rely on physical damage. We have balanced the Armor and Magic Resist in its Defense stats to reduce its specificity and increase its general utility.

Fusion Recipe:
Rogue’s Gauntlet + Straw Hat + Bloodberry

+600 HP
+100% HP Regen
+70 Armor
+40 Magic Resist

Skyfire: Incinerates the souls of nearby enemies, dealing 30 (+30% extra Max HP) magic damage per second (2x damage against non-shikigami units).

Fire King Lance

Similar to Vaisravana Drum, we have added Magic Resist for Fire King Lance to increase its general utility.

+500 HP
+45 Armor
+30 Magic Resist

Lucky Parasol

Lucky Parasol is currently somewhat underused. Therefore, we have suitably increased its Heal Increase effect.

Pearl: +35% Healing Received

Straw Hat

Adjusted price from 300 to 210.

Adjusted Magic Resist from 50 to 35.

Marksman Shikigami Item Adjustments

We hope to balance the strength of different Marksman shikigami via this round of Marksman Shikigami Item Adjustments and provide all types of Marksman shikigami with items more suited to their characteristics.

Void Triple-Hook Arrow (New)

Currently, the early and mid game experiences of Marksman shikigami focused on Attack Speed and Crit, as exemplified by Jikikaeru and Kikyo, are not smooth, with these shikigami having weaker combat capabilities. We hope to provide these shikigami with an item more suitable for purchase in the early and mid game.

Price: 1,750

Fusion Recipe:
Feather Bow + Genji Longbow

+45% Attack Speed
+25% Crit Rate

Feathers: +7% Movement Speed

Soaring: After dealing 3 basic attacks against shikigami, increases own Movement Speed by 25% and Attack Damage by 20 (+1.5*current level) for 4 seconds. The cooldown of this effect is 15 seconds.

Heaven’s Thunder

We have adjusted the stats of Heaven’s Thunder, hoping to increase its combat capabilities in the early and mid game and its compatibility with Marksman shikigami focused on Attack Speed and Crit.

Fusion Recipe:
Dragon Gun + Feather Bow + Redmark Katar

+45 Attack
+25% Attack Speed
+25% Crit Rate

Chidori Twin Swords

We have adjusted the item special effect of Chidori Twin Swords, hoping to further highlight its positioning as a survival item.

Chidori: When HP falls below 35%, 50% of the damage taken is converted into Bleed damage (non-fatal) and gains 8% Life Steal for 5 seconds. The cooldown of this effect is 60 seconds.

Hawk Bow

We have adjusted the stats of Hawk Bow and added an item effect, hoping that Marksman shikigami of various positionings will be able to make better use of its stats.

Fusion Recipe:
Genji Longbow + Nether Scythe

+40 Attack
+50% Attack Speed

Rising Wind: The basic attacks of ranged shikigami are divided up to simultaneously attack up to 3 units within range. The damage of this basic attack decreases by 15% for each unit hit.

Whistling Leaves: Basic attacks additionally deal (+10% Attack) physical damage (this damage can crit).

Amanozako’s Bow

We have appropriately improved the cost-performance ratio of Amanozako’s Bow and provided more possibilities for Crit-focused Marksman shikigami to kite enemies.

Brake (New): Basic attacks decrease the target’s Movement Speed by 30% for the next 2 seconds. The effect of Brake is halved if the wearer is a ranged shikigami.

Support Shikigami Item Adjustments

Certain support items which provided disproportionate buffs to teams have caused the first few support builds of players to become fixed. We have adjusted some support items to shake things up a little and encourage diversity in builds for Support shikigami of different types and positionings. We have also made some numerical and mechanic adjustments to active support items so that players can select and equip active items as the situation requires.

8ft Magatama and Lavish Red Robe have been removed. Their Armor halo and Magic Resist effect have been transferred to Asakusa Glow, Fashionable Trinket, and Astrolabe.


8ft Magatama and Lavish Red Robe have been removed. Their Armor halo and Magic Resist effect have been transferred to Asakusa Glow, Fashionable Trinket, and Astrolabe.

Asakusa Glow

Stats Adjustments:

Reduced HP from 250 to 150.

Removed the 6% Movement Speed bonus.

Active – Fluorescence:

Reduced HP Regen from 40 (+35*current level) to 40 (+30*current level).

Reduced MP Regen from 30 (+20*current level) to 30 (+15*current level).

Increased cooldown from 55 seconds to 60 seconds.

Fine Jade (New): Increases nearby ally shikigami’s Armor by (2.5*current level) and Magic Resist by (2*current level).

Fashionable Trinket

We have adjusted the active effects of Fashionable Trinket. Teammates who receive the Haste effect will now deal bonus damage and inflict a Slow effect when they attack, thereby enhancing their functionality when they attack actively.

Stats Adjustments:

Reduced HP from 250 to 150.

Removed the 6% Movement Speed bonus.

Fine Jade (New): Increases nearby ally shikigami’s Armor by (2.5*current level) and Magic Resist by (2*current level).

Active – Windrunner:

Increases Movement Speed and Slow immunity of nearby ally units by 50% each for 3.5 seconds. When ally units with the Movement Speed bonus attack for the first time, they deal an additional 30 (+5*current level) magic damage and inflict a 30% Slow effect for 2 seconds (Cooldown: 60 seconds).


Stats Adjustments:

Reduced HP from 250 to 150.

Removed the 6% Movement Speed bonus.

Fine Jade (New): Increases nearby ally shikigami’s Armor by (2.5*current level) and Magic Resist by (2*current level).

Virtuous Staff (New)

We have added a new intermediate item that increases main stats (Attack/Ability Power) to smoothen fusion for some items.

Price: 600

Fusion Recipe:

+40 Main Stats

Dream Vestiges (New)

Many Support shikigami’s damage output abilities have minimal impact in the late game. We hope to change things so that Support shikigami can also provide adequate buffs and a bigger impact when their damage output abilities land hits in the late game.

Price: 1,800

Fusion Recipe:
Virtuous Staff + Shajuko + Silver Bracer

+60 Main Stats
+350 HP
+10% Cooldown Reduction

Memento: After an ability hits an enemy, the target takes 8% more damage for 3s. This effect has a cooldown of 10s.

Gold Hachiman Do

Gold Hachiman Do’s permanent damage reduction effect has been removed so that the effects of its control ability can be improved. This item is recommended for Support shikigami and front-row shikigami with control abilities.

Golden Armor: After inflicting a control effect on enemy shikigami, the target deals 10% less damage for 4 seconds.

Little Bells

Tree Spirit: Adjusted bonus damage from (20% of Shield/HP Healed) to 5 (+1*current level) (+15% of Shield/HP Healed).

Mage Shikigami Item Adjustments

As Mage shikigami rely heavily on Ability Power to deal more damage, it has led to Tale of Izumo having too great an impact in the mid game, as well as other problems such as a lack of diversity in players’ approach to equipping items, etc. By reducing Mage shikigami’s reliance on Ability Power and enhancing the functionality of various items, we hope to encourage a more fluid and diverse approach when equipping items on Mage shikigami.

Izanami’s Scepter

Increased additional damage from 180 + 15% of Ability Power to 200 + 24% of Ability Power.

Imperial Lance

Increased additional damage from 80 + 8% of Ability Power to 90 + 12% of Ability Power.

Marsh Moon

Increased Speed Reduction from 20% to 30%.

Night Parasol

Increased damage reduction duration from 0.6 seconds to 1 second.

Increased damage from 50 (+8 levels) (+30% of Ability Power) to 50 (+10 levels) (+40% of Ability Power).

Mandala Sutra

Reduced Ability Power from 155 to 130.

New: +15 Magic Penetration

Tale of Izumo

Reduced Ability Power from 155 to 125.

Reduced maximum Percentage Ability Power from 40% to 30%.

Eight Trigrams

Reduced Ability Power from 120 to 90.

Increased Percentage Magic Penetration from 35% to 40%.

Sylph’s Harp

We hope that Sylph’s Harp can help Mage shikigami that enter the battle to survive better.

+100 Ability Power
+350 HP
+10% Cooldown Reduction

Stardust: +30 Magic Penetration

Sylph: Performing 3 basic attacks or abilities on the same shikigami grants a shield that absorbs 200 (+30% of Ability Power) damage. CD: 15 seconds.

Buddha Beads

Buddha Beads allows Mage shikigami with control abilities to deal more damage effectively.

+100 Ability Power
+350 HP
+10% Cooldown Reduction
Stardust: +30 Magic Penetration

Wrath: Deals 10% more damage for 5 seconds when inflicting strong control effects on enemy shikigami.

Shadow Fan

We hope that Shadow Fan can be the next Percentage Magic Penetration item after Eight Trigrams. While Shadow Fan’s ability to increase damage is slightly weaker than Eight Trigrams’, it provides survivability and acceleration effects, making it a new option for shikigami that require constant damage output.

+60 Ability Power
+450 HP
Trigram: +35% Magic Penetration

Shadow: Basic attack and ability damage to enemy shikigami will increase Movement Speed. Each stack increases Movement Speed by 5%. Stacks up to 6 times. Additionally grants 30% Slow immunity at maximum stacks.

Summer Ashes

We hope that Summer Ashes can help shikigami with high Ability Power and Attack Damage deal more damage.

Adjusted additional damage from 2% of max HP to 1.85% + 0.0015%*Ability Power + 0.00225%*extra Attack.

Ravening Zither

We hope that fusion for Ravening Zither will now be smoother and provide more combat power during the purchasing process.

Fusion Recipe:
Domaru Armor + Virtuous Staff + Shajuko

Ninja Shikigami Item Adjustments

Due to adjustments made to other items, we are introducing a new item, the Muramasa of Light, for Ninja shikigami. It increases the wearer’s mobility after they participate in sealing an enemy shikigami, helping them to safely exit the battlefield or continue attacking. We have also optimized the in-game display to make it clearer when Nature’s Glory and Kusarigama trigger additional damage.

Muramasa of Light

+80 Ability Power
+250 HP

Light Assault: Participating in sealing enemy shikigami grants a shield that absorbs 50 + 10*level damage and a 50% Haste effect that gradually weakens over time for 1.5 seconds.

Increases Armor Pierce by 10 to 37.


Optimized display when damage is triggered.

Nature’s Glory

Optimized display when damage is triggered.

Adjustments and Fixes

Optimized display rationale and text size of prompts that appear when shields block damage, so that they cover less battlefield information.

Free Shikigami Lineup Bulletin

Onmyoji Arena will change the lineup of the limited-time free shikigami at 5:00 AM on 7/18. The new free shikigami will be Tesso, Bakekujira, Ungaikyo, Kuro, Kamimai, Mannendake, Shiro Mujou, and Mouba.

Onmyoji who own the God of Fortune Month Pact will have the additional free shikigami, Menreiki and Ibaraki Doji.

Of these shikigami, Mouba has a difficulty of Hard. Onmyoji who have been in Heian-kyo for less than 7 days can’t use them in battle for free.

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