Arena of Valor January 16th Update Patch Notes

Tecent Games has announced Arena of Valor January 16th Update Patch will release on December 16th, 2017 (GMT). Arena of Valor January 16th Update Patch introducing gold cap changed from daily to weekly, optimizations for iPhone X, new event interface change, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes.
In preparation for this new version, servers will be offline during the following times:
US/Canada, Latin America: January 15, 6:00pm – 10:00pm PST.
Europe: January 16, 02:00 – 06:00 GMT
Note: All changes in red below indicate that it is only for the Europe server. All others cover USA/Canada, Latin America, and Europe.
System Optimizations
– Player Frames are now available to further customize your profile and avatar.
– Improvements to the interface after obtaining new heroes and skins.
– Compatibility for iPhone X and Android devices with display aspect ratios of 18:9 and above.
– Higher quality art assets and animations have been added to the Ranked Match and results screens.
– Major design overhaul to the Events menu for a better browsing experience.
– The skin display page now features video for select skins.
– Added an animation to the Brave Points display when they are reset to zero.
– Improved report detection of abusive language.
– AFK penalty mails now provide how many Credibility Points were deducated and corresponding match data can be seen in their deducted points record.
– Added a convenient matchmaking system allowing players to automatically find a suitable Guild.
– Network settings added to the Settings menu.
– Gold Cap changed from Daily to Weekly (5500), allowing for players to earn Gold in a way that better fits their schedule.
– Added Activity Point rewards, which unlock after your weekly match count reaches a certain total. Higher rewards can be earned in correlation with a higher Credibility Score.
– Equipping a skin during a match will earn 10% for a victory. All skins offer the same bonus, no matter the rarity, and this also applies for skins unlocked via Trial Card.
– To earn the rewards for each Ranked Season, requirements have been increased to not only achieve Gold tier, but now also have at least 10 Ranked victories for the current Season
Designer Notes: We found that the Gold Cap was really being a pain point to most players on the weekends when they have more free time to play. By switching from a daily to weekly cap, this now allows all players the opportunity to earn the same amount of gold even if they miss a few days of playtime.
Balance Changes
Ability 3: Detonation
– Magic Damage decreased from 140/170/200 (+0.65AP) –> 120/180/240 (+0.65AP)
– Extra damage added with each mark changed from 50% –> 120/180/240 (+0.32AP)
Designer Notes: In the previous update, damage dealt from marks inflicted by Detonation increased along with the hero level but not the ability level. This significantly increased its damage ability. Marks from the ability now increase at a standard rate with each ability level, bringing the damage down to a much more balanced level.
Ability 1: Thief’s Mark
– Explosive Area physical damage increased from 160/180/200/220/240/260 (+0.5AD) –> 160/200/240/280/320/360 (+0.5AD)
– Every normal attack that lands during the Mark’s duration will have added physical damage, at the same values as above
– Cooldown decreased from 12/11.2/10.4/9.6/8.8/8 seconds –> 11/10.2/9.4/8.6/7.8/7 seconds
Designer Notes: In the previous update, damage dealt from marks inflicted by Thief’s Mark increased along with the hero level but not the ability level. This significantly increased its damage ability. Marks from the ability now increase at a standard rate with each ability level, bringing the damage down to a much more balanced level.
– Title change from The Aspect of Vengeance –> Spectral Rule
– New background story
Ability 1: Eternal Blame
– Reduced movement speed from 15% –> 10%
Ability 2: Incorporeal
– Increased Ability Power from 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%/45% –> 70/110/150/190/230/270
Ability 3: Grievance
– Cooldown changed from 36/30/24 seconds –> 30 seconds
Designer Notes: Kahlii’s damage during the early game was rather low. As matches went on, she not only had high damage but also decent crowd control after being fully equipped. We decided to reduce Kahlii’s control abilities so that she plays more like a long-range damage-dealing Mage. At the same time, we strengthened her damage-dealing abilities for the early game and brought them down in the late stage. We hope that she plays out in a more balanced manner throughout the entire match.
– New background story
Ability 3: Holy Embers
– Damage to targets with a Mark of the Flame changed from 900/1200/1500 (+1.2AP) magic damage –> 800/1050/1300 (+1.1AP) true damage
Designer Notes: We changed Holy Embers to deal magic damage in the last update, but it turned out that it was not in line with some of the core design characteristics of Ignis. So, it has now returned to deal true damage.
Ability 1: Plague Specter
– Magic damage changed from 320/420/520/620/720/820 (+0.55AP) –> 360/450/540/630/720/810 (+0.55AP)
Designer Notes: Pretya often folds under early-game laning pressure, affecting his ability to provide support. We’ve adjusted the base damage of his core abilities. We hope that Pretya can now help clear out minions and join in small battles much faster in the early game.
Ability 3: Nirvana
– Updated ability description to make it clear that the 70% movement speed bonus is consistent and not increased per nearby enemy.
Ability 1: Tactical Maneuver
– Max stacks reduced from 10 –> 7
– Mana cost reduced from 40 –> 35
Designer Notes: Moren was extremely strong in the jungle thanks to Tactical Maneuver stacks. We hope these changes bring Moren’s defense and control capabilities down to a more reasonable level while making him stronger at laning.
Ability 3: Speeding Bullet
– Cooldown increased from 50/45/40 seconds –> 60/55/50 seconds
Designer Notes: As players have started to master Superman’s pushing abilties, it has become clear he is quite strong. Since his ability damage is increased by his HP, he has extremely high survivability, damage output, and control in the hands of a veteran player. We hope to reduce Superman’s dominating presence. No matter the experience level of players, we don’t want a hero to be consistently picked or banned due to its presence.
Ability 3: Lunar Champion
– Physical damage increased from 160/240/320 (+100%AD) –> 220/300/380 (+100%AD)
Designer Notes: Whenever Lindis is not under cover of the brush, her power level is lower compared to other Marksmen than we had expected. We hope that combined the mobility of Lunar Champion, the boost to damage can give her more of a presence in both laning and teamfights, especially when low on gold in the laning phase.
Ability 2: Nature’s Wrath
– Cooldown decreased from 14.5/13.3/12.1/10.9/9.7/8.5 seconds –> 13/12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Ability 3: Drone Drop
– Physical damage increased from 350/500/650 (+1.56AD) –> 400/600/800 (+1.6AD)
Designer Notes: In the current meta, Kriknak is a bit weaker than we like. An increase to his Drone Drop damage should help him retain his deadliness.
Passive: Amazon Shield
– Self-healing effects increased from 5 (+5 each level) (+0.1AD) –> 10 (+7 each level) (+0.1AD)
Designer Notes: Compared with the graceful, flowing nature of an Assassin moveset, Wonder Woman’s abilities seem heavy and slow. This often leaves Wonder Woman in an awkward situation whenever she faces more agile opponents. We don’t want to change the rhythm of her abilities, but in order to make up for this we have increased her ability to stay in the battle and survive.
Ability 3: Savage Potion
– Movement speed decreased from 20%/25%/30% –> 20%
– Background story change
– Fixed an issue where the buff did not stack whenever an enemy was killed by Shockwave
– Fixed an issue where the buff did not stack when the enemy immediately leaves the skill range after taking damage from Shockwave
– Improved running animations for maximum stylishness
– Improved animations
Ability 1: Furious Charge
– No longer stops upon hitting an enemy hero
Designer Notes: This ensures that Skud can use more accurate positioning as well as not be stopped by an enemy hero in front of his intended target. This can now also be used as a reliable escape tool.
– Improved appearance
– Seagle will only regenerate HP when out of combat.
– Spirit Sentinel Life Force buff recovers (35 –> 2%) HP every second and increases movement speed by (30 –> 60). Lasts 60 seconds and is now effective after leaving battle (instead of during the buff’s duration)
– Changes made to recommended builds for Jinnar, Valhein, Fennik, Raz, Butterfly, Kahlii, Lindis, and Tulen
– Removed unique passive Hunter’s Reverie (normal attacks also deal 6% of current HP as magic damage)
– Added 10% increased cooldown speed
Designer Notes: Too many Marksmen appeared in the jungle, making it difficult for other classes to compete for that position. This change to Soulreaver should allow more heroes to jungle effectively.
– Updated Fennik’s Christmas skin sound effects and added Christmas special effects
– Changed the login and main menu sound
– Changed the background menu music
– Changes made to the sound of Wonder Woman’s ultimate ability
Bug Fixes
– Fixed an issue where Zanis’ and Grakk’s passive abilities would not work with Ancestral Glory’s Resurrect
– Fixed a bug where Shield of the Lost could draw aggro from monsters
– Fixed a bug where players would not gain HP regen when in certain corners of the inner altar in 3v3 mode
Source: Arena of Valor official forum.